FRIEDHOFDer 'Kerchhof' von Zillasch liegt im Norden des Dorfes. Die Kapelle wurde 1895 gebaut. Im Inneren befindet sich die Gedenktafel an die Gefallenen und Vermissten des 1. Weltkrieges. Die Tafel und das Kreuz wurden von ausgewanderten Landsleuten aus Amerika gestiftet.
The chapel was built in 1895. Inside is a memorial plaque to the fallen and missing of the First World War. The plaque and the cross were donated by fellow countrymen who had emigrated to America.
With the emigration of the German population at the end of the 20th century, many graves were encased in concrete. The marble and granite stones as well as the inscriptions and photos have remained as ephemeral signs of the times.
The cemetery is now overgrown with grass. Nevertheless, the cemetery has remained relatively protected from destruction and outside influence under the care of individual villagers, in particular the last German cemetery caretaker Franz Theissmann, but now also the Romanian population and the Romanian Orthodox community.
Even if hardly any of the German inhabitants of Zillasch plant or bring flowers any more - the memories and the memory remain.